Jim- Happy Again!

By dougiebuster

Happy Blip Day to ME! Zonino!!

It was 100 blips ago today, my fiancee Liz told me about Blipfoto.
She was driving home from work and heard a feature on The Radio Cafe on Radio Scotland. She realised that it was the sort of thing that I would be interested in, and remembered the web address. We both had a great time looking at the pictures, and I decided that I would have a go.

It has been great to have this sense of having to find something each day that will look good as a thumbnail, and even better as a larger picture.
Sometimes it is easy to spot the ideal opportunity, and at other times, nothing. I have only missed 2 days I think, and those really annoyed me.
The 100 pictures have traced the progress of a large part of my new life with Liz. She is the reason I decided on the name Jim - Happy Again. The rings are Liz's engagement ring, her wedding ring ( we are getting married in October ) and my wedding ring.

All the wonderful comments my fellow blippers put on my pictures have made this just great too. There is so much knowledge and humour out there, it is always a real pleasure reading the comments on my own, and other blippers pictures.

Thankyou all 100 times!

I am really looking forward to the next 100 blips!



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