An Apple a Day...

By anappleaday


I find writing so much harder than photography. For one, my mind works quicker than my hand can write, which annoys me. But, my camera has a lag I can barely feel and processes my "thoughts" almost as quickly as my mind can.

Also, on a day like today it would take as long to describe the bread Mr. Apple made and the walk on the beach I took as it took to do those things in the first place.

But, I keep feeling there is something I am missing out on by not adding at least some words to document my year - something that can be added to my photographs??

Even my photographs from this hour spent on the beach can't tell you how absolutely perfect the temperature is. It is like no temperature at all - the sun warms you and the breeze cools you - cancelling each other out. In my photos, you cannot hear the waves, the distant airplanes, the voices drifting over the water from the far away sailboats. So now it sounds like I am rooting a bit for the writing, no?! Ha!

I would very often like to be able to photograph sounds. I don't mean simply "record" the sounds or capture video with sound but what what it would actually be like to photograph sounds. Maybe this is a crazy sentence only someone accustomed to photographing every nuance of life can understand.

I'd love to photograph this journal, for instance, but be able to include the distinctive "crack" of its pages blowing in the wind.

Edit: I replaced the bread and its recipe because this was the perfect blip for the day. If you didn't get to copy the recipe and you want it, I can post it in a comment. Thanks!

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