Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium

Learning from mother...

This blip illustrates the sweetest thing I have ever seen.

This morning I watched this mother squirrel try, for half an hour, to teach her little baby to jump from tree to tree. Time after time she took him up to the edge of the branch, jumped over and waited for him to jump too. Every time he just sat there, shaking like a little leaf and gripping on for dear life. Then she'd go and hide in the other tree, hoping he'd come looking for her, but he'd just start crying at the top of his voice. When she heard him cry she'd come jumping back over to give him a cuddle, take him down to bigger, steadier branches and start the whole process again. He just looked utterly terrified.

She must have done this at least 20 times before giving up, there was no way the little fellow was going to jump. I don't blame him really, the gap was massive and he was having trouble just climbing the tree he was on! A few more weeks before he'll be ready for acrobatics I think :)

Best viewed in large...

edit: after looking a bit more closely at the photos I took this morning, I think this was actually daddy squirrel doing the teaching! And the squirrel in the other tree who I thought was dad is mum :)

PS: this is my 100th blip! It seemed so far away when I started, but it's flown in..

My photography has improved so much since January; I've learnt lots of new techniques both with the camera and with photoshop, the most recent being my first attempt at "high key" portraiture yesterday. I've also got a new hobby, in bird photography, which gives me more pleasure than I ever thought it could.

It's great to know that I've got a journal of the past 100 days. In many ways they've been a typical few months in my life, but looking back I realise how much I've done. I've documented work trips, holidays, friends, family and pets, as well as recording a bit of my daily life and Belfast, the city where I live.

Thanks to everyone who has commented on my photos, you've all been so kind and welcoming. I hope to keep snapping for many days to come

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