
By astudyinscarlet

uh oh...

i came home from work after midnight to discover *some clever sod* had run their car into the front wall of my flat... in daylight, i discovered that the culprit had actually left their car in situ! call landlady, call police, explain what happened ('and why do you think it was this car?'/'because you can see traces of paint from the car on the wall, traces of the wall on the car, and oh yes, a piece of his bumper is lying in front of the window'/'yeeeees..'). insurance job, panic over - but BLOODY HELL!!!

i may offend a few people here, but i really think that old people who are distinctly dodderly and weak of limb should not be driving!! esp since he's already had a series of similar minor crunches in the same street (he lives about four doors up) - if he'd been two feet left or right he'd have seriously damaged the structure of the building, never mind if some kid had run in front of him when he was parking the car.


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