LCD Soundsystem

We were off through to Glasgow to see LCD Soundsystem perform a fantastic gig tonight. Having seen them before the quality of the show was unsurprising but they definitely lived up to expectations.

The last time we saw them was at the Connect Festival where they only got a 1 hour slot. Tonight they played for just over two hours. Loads of crackers in there. Us and Them, Yr City's a Sucker, Daft Punk is playing at my house, Tribulations, Someone great, Drunk Girls Losing my edge, All my friends, New York I love you and a fantastic section where they played Yeah then seemed to segue into the pretentious version of Yeah before finally seguing into their cover version of Throw by Paperclip people. We'd heard them do that one at connect but, at the time, assumed it was a mandatory festival cover version sort of deal. Other great stuff off the impending new album too and probably a few oldies that have slipped my mind.

We did fancy the after show at the Sub Club but I've got work in the morning so we gave it a miss. Great night all the same though a band I couldn't recommend highly enough live and I'd have no hesitation in going to see them any time they played nearby.

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