Drifter Down Lonely Road

By drifter

A Lost Kitty

We interrupt your regular schedule blip for this:

Sniffles looking outside thinking of his adventure.

It happened like this:

I came home one night with my hands full and left the door open just a little. I came back and closed it never realizing Sniffles had went outside. The next day we did not see him and finally realized he was outside. We looked every where but could not find him. I felt really bad. That night Shade slept on the sofa. One point he felt he should look out the door and he did. Coincidence I think not. Once he opened the door he saw him outside the door. It took a while, because he was scared and hid under a car, but finally he came back inside. For days he would not go near the door, but now he has gotten braver.

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