Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Fairytale Boat

The Festival of World Cultures was on in Dün Laoghaire over the weekend, so I made my way over to Carl's around 6.00 pm. The only thing which took our fancy that was on today was in the afternoon, while I was at my weekly Music Group session, so we decided just to wander around and see what we'd see, maybe dropping in to an event if it took our fancy. As it happened, we just soaked up the atmosphere and decided to end up the night in McKenna's pub, one which is a bit off the beaten track and which we don't often frequent. Our route took us away from the hussle and bussle, and included a stop to wonder about a mystery boat which was moored where boats normally aren't and was lit up (perhaps in honour of the Festival) in a way which reminded me of a fairytale castle and simply had to be blipped.

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