Tomson's Blip

By tomson

Multiple choice question: what's your addiction?

To celebrate my 100st Blip today I asked myself how addicted I am to Blip after 100 blips.
Before I'll answer this question, I will give YOU the opportunity first to answer it. So please be so kind to do so in the comments. If a lot of blippers will answer the question, I will try to publish some nice stats somehow in my journal.

Here are the possible answers (from left to right in the picture):

A) Nicotine

B) Alcohol (on the picture you can see the traditional Frisian drink Beerenburg with a special glass for it)

C) Caffeine

D) Blipatine, which is a substance found in the brain of people who suffer from an internet addiction, where they are obsessively uploading a picture every day.

E) Theobromide, Anandamin and Tryptophan, which can be found in chocolate

Personally, my biggest addiction is answer E) chocolate. If I look at my blip history I am not completely addicted, because I am uploading about one blip every three days.

Nevertheless, I do enjoy blip a lot looking at other's pictures, commenting on them, upload my own pictures and receiving your nice comments.

Thanks blip central for this website and thank you fellow blippers for you kind comments and nice pictures that you to share on blipfoto!

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