Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey


The White House

We wish you the very best on your birthday. You have witnessed great milestones in our Nation's history, and your life represents an important part of the American story. As you reflect upon all of your wonderful memories, may you also look forward to the promise in each of life's moments yet to come.

We hope you are blessed with many more joyful years.


Barack Obama Michelle Obama

I stopped in to see Auntie Angie on our way home from celebrating Preston's 3rd birthday party (pics here please take a look a gloriously photogenic family, kids and party), their daughter Gracie, our friend in CHARGE. Angie (nee Agnes) was insistent I didn't see her today because of things she had planned and her never wanting me to see her in less than her best, but how can I have not stopped by to see one of my favourite people on this planet Earth to wish her a happy 80th birthday, ladden with cupcakes from the party. Angie has such a sweet tooth and we laughed like little girls as I fed her the sickly sweet icing. Callum pulled a photo from a frame, my Nana and Grandad, parents to Angie, Mum's and their two sister's, standing on the Paisley Road outside their tenement in Glasgow, a photo I had never seen before. Oh what delight I have always taken in such treasures!

She is indeed in frail health and in her housecoat and, changing quickly into a prettier housecoat before she dressed up to go dancing, I was able to capture this moment. Auntie Angie wasn't keen on being photographed but as I reassured her, taking her to the door to grab a little light on this historic day, my eyes happened upon the letter and I could not resist but see it in her delicate hands.

I love my auntie more than I can say. Whilst the challenges I face in my life may sadly keep me from seeing her too often, she is the closest I could ever wish to calling someone "Mum" by virtue of the deep bond we share and when so far away from my own dear mother in London. For an insight into her amazing journey in life, visit my previous entry devoted to her life. Her life, as Obama says, has indeed been an important part of the American story, the transatlantic journeys from the homeland and the sad farewells to family and friends whom you knew you would be unlikely to see again in that decade, or perhaps, in this lifetime.

PS When I recounted to Auntie Angie about how I'd blipped our last meeting a few weeks back, she burst into tears. Perhaps it was the memory of which she's never spoken about, of those long goodbyes. I felt so bad that I'd made her cry on her 80th but perhaps too there were tears of joy too in there as her happy family memories in Glasgow came flooding back to her. Her companion, John, 50 years away from Glasgow but still sounding fresh off the boat showed me the British expat paper of which he had 2 copies which he produced as he walked through the door seeing me unexpectedly after a year saying "Och I brought you a copy too" and proceeded to inform me of the election news, thus reminding me of my Grandad Arthur's God rest his soul, "Maggie Snatcher" (Thatcher) quip. That raised a smile...

PS help much needed in clarifying the details on the letter pls... only have PSE)

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