
By cracker


Spence was in daycare today, Kaz was spending the day with her Dad doing a couple of 'projects', so I decided I was going to spend the day sorting through our Thailand photos trying to come up with the ones I want to put into my Blurb book! I did pretty well, last night I culled the ones that Kaz took, so today I went through the 700+ I took! I have it down to 433 altogether so far! I still have to go through another time to choose from the ones we both took a photo of, then go through them again with Kaz to further cull! It's getting there though.

Kaz and Stu went to Bunnings today and spent about 2 hours there buying a few bits and pieces for their projects. They are going to put up a weather station and install a water tank for the garden. They have cemented the post in a hole for the weather station and have put the water tank in place, but haven't attached it to anything yet. That's tomorrow's job!

I decided to cook a roast for dinner tonight as Stu is here and we also invited our lovely neighbours, Joe and Bev over. We had a really nice time and the food was good too! We are hoping to go out for lunch tomorrow to a nice Pub in Noojee.

There is an old run down house that I pass every time we go into Warragul. I have been wanting to take a photo of it for ages, but it has never been the right time, either the light isn't very good or we are rushing to go somewhere or I don't have the camera!

I had plenty of time before picking Spence up from daycare this afternoon, the sun was going down, but not too much, there were no clouds in the way and I had my camera so I stopped on the side of the road! I took a few photos, not really sure whether they would turn well or not. I would love to be able to walk all the way around it to get the different angles, but it is in the middle of someone's paddock! There are also a few trees in the front of it that hide a lot of the front. So after giving it a go, I'm not sure that it will be a very good subject after all!

I chose this one of the back of the house, I would love to be able to go right up to it and see inside! It makes you wonder what used to happen in the house and why it has become so run down!

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