Alfafan's photo journal

By Alfafan

Crowded House

We were at the Crowded House gig at the Usher Hall in Edinburgh tonight. Angela is a fan although I am not but I put on a brave face as she has done many a time to see bands that I like.

I was surprised at how good it was on 2 counts.

Although their music is not really my cup of tea we found our seats to be in the stalls Row A ie right at the very front and the band were less than 10 feet away. It felt like a personal gig in your living room as everything happening was so close you felt a part of it.

The second reason was their interaction with the audience. The patter was excellent and added to the occasion.

The observant amongst you will note that the blip is not of Crowded House. This was the support act - a very surreal bunch of Kiwi's with a very entertaining frontman called Colin ( not exactly rock and roll on the name front). their music was very hippy and sounded like something straight out of Haight Ashbury during the late 60's. I didn't catch their name but I 'll try and find out.

All in all a very good evening apart from the B&B we stayed in which was straight out of Fawlty Towers but a bit grimier :(

Edit: Obviously my hearing is going. The frontman was called Connan and the band is Connan Mockasin. Check them out if you like spaced out indie music.

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