Colin Parte

By ColinParte

Yesterday's News

This is one side of a Masonic Hall in Belfast's Cornmarket, built in 1870. It's a very attractive building (apart from the ground floor which is given over to retail units) and it seems a little Italianate in nature. One thing has often puzzled me is the preponderance of arched windows given that they tend to be a religious feature and my understanding is that Masonry is not a religion-based organisation.
I love the colours particularly and the depth of the circular feature.
This is another back-Blip due to my Internet access at home being borked completely now. Four calls to Bangalore just confirmed with my ISP that the fault is line-based and not their equipment. A royal pain in the arse, all the same!
Here are the runners-up from my photowalk in yesterday's sun:

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