
By mar

Life is too important to be taken seriously!

Life is too important to be taken seriously!
~Oscar Wilde

Hay Festival day! (Click for pictures)..

We only booked tickets for one event today - Quentin Blake. As it was our first time going to Hay Festival (been to Hay on Wye a few times before), we weren't sure what to expect. Even the rain couldn't damper our spirits as the whole atmosphere is just absolutely brilliant.

At first, we did a quick run around to see what was where. We went to the Sky Arts tent as they had several activities going on. First one was to write a quote/saying/anything on a butterfly. You then put a magnetic on the butterfly and stuck it to the ceiling. Michael and I both laughed at our choice of sayings/quotes... you can tell what *our* philosophy in life is!

After we went to Hay Fever - the section for kids. If I had to give a criticism, I'd have to say they could have done so much more here. Right outside was Wiggly Wimmblers area - an amazing area that was done by @wiggled from twitter.

Then we headed to Quentin Blake... Wow. This was not our first time meeting him and every time is even more magical then the last.

There were lots of laughter, some you had to be there to find funny. But my favorite was when he was drawing and talking about how he likes working with authors as then he doesn't have to find the words. However, as he was illustrating an alligator, he paused and before drawing the teeth and said 'It's easy for these writers, you know. They say 100s of teeth... and there you are, having to draw them"'

Another one: Roald Dahl sent Quentin Blake an old sandal to provide reference for BFG footwear.

When the event ended, we went to wait for Quentin to sign our books. Michael has been wanted his picture with Quentin as every time it's Charlotte and I that are in the picture. Quentin is very influential in Michael's style of drawing (did I ever mention that Michael's an artist? Another hat he wears.).

Afterwards, we decided to head into town. This is where the facebook photos showcase best what happened.

It was a brilliant day, even with the rain so much so that we booked an additional event for when we go back on Wednesday. Go us.

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