a town called E.

By Eej

The Twins

I've been exploring camera settings for a while now, but I was never brave enough for manual focus. Until yesterday, when I was all whattheheck about it and tried it.

I have the distinct feeling the next 70 Blips will all be macros.
And quite possibly 57 of those will be of the Catnip People.

Here are the Twins. They are either singing or yelling at me, it's difficult to tell as I'm not fluent in Catnip. I took lots of shots of more smiley faces, but the Beloved though the Twins were the funniest thing ever, so they won.
I'm not sure personalising my plants will help sentimental me when it's time to harvest* them ...

Not too bad large :)

*that makes it sound even more cruel!

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