Gail's Daily Tales

By gailsdailytales

24 week bump

Is it big, small, normal?

I've never been Keith Cheggers before so I have no idea if this is an average 24 weeker.

The scary thing is, I weigh less now, 6 months pregnant, than I did when Paul and I got married in 2008. This is down to a strict healthy eating regime and the desperate need to keep my GDM under control and the Poblet safe.

It's also scary that I still have more weeks to go (and grow). How big will this bump be when I start to push? I can't see my feet and shaving my legs is a distant memory...

The punches and kicks are very strong now. A favourite pastime is to place objects on my belly and watch them jump up. Paul can even feel the kicks through my flab, that's how strong they are!

Everyone keeps asking when I am getting my 4D scan. I"M NOT! STOP ASKING! I'm quite happy to leave the little one alone until he/she/my consultant decides that it is time for us to meet.

Until then, I'm happy to dream about what he/she will look like. and what will lie between those little legs. I still think I'm having a girl, but most people say boy.

I'm sure it will be one or the other...

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