Designated Driver

BOB, Bewust Onbeschonken Bestuurder, or in English .. eeuhm... aah.. something like Consciously Sober Driver. It's the government campaign 'stolen' from Belgium to promote Alcohol free driving. I was 'bob' tonight so the wine in the background wasn't for me, i was 'stuck' with the water on the left :)

I tried to get a good shot of some great, big Owls that fly around S&S' place, but they only showed up really high in the sky. I got some great 3200ISO shots of a black dot on a blue background... except for the fact they weren't great. and also the color had some original dots in them, due to color noise etc.

I did however (even without wine and Owls) have a good time, got some great fake-mustache shots for later blackmail and last thing: I have to give credits to this bob-blip idea to Ilse :D

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