Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

My house in my car

Quick blip and most certainly not worthy of any commentary by you kind folk out there.

Monday I'm shooting our neighbour's Barmitvah so she's given me an Idiot's Guide to a Barmitvah so I can better understand the service. Her son has special needs which gives us a special situation to work with. I honestly cannot believe how my photography has taken off: I have faith in my eye, but still, I glow with excitement if someone feels that warmth within, feels I have created something beautiful for them. I aspire to emotional photography, to capture candid moments from a new perspective. I can't wait to capture The Twinkles, Reuben's IVF buddies, all born in May '07. I'm going to be doing a little photographic roadshow with the boys to help pay my way around the UK in July and August.

And this is the new addition, all constructed within 4 weeks and the boys' bedroom at the front. I have a strong passion for modernist architecture, clean lines, white space, vaulted ceilings, SoCal light, eco friendly materials. Finally I'll have a creative studio space leading into the garden for me to be inspired and work in. This little niche for my iMac and me by the oven is just a bit too cozy. We're a little higher up in LA and benefit from ocean breezes and despite the intense summer heat, we don't need air conditioning. That and given we're British and (were once) used to the cold, we don't need heating either. I know it's a strange time to be spending money and I've figured it would only take me 400 photo shoots to pay it off.

Disclaimer: The house is not symmetrical AWD as stated.

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