
By esme

What separates us from them

A wrought iron fence and a few extra hundred thou'.

After our lovely walk last night, we ended up spending far too much time today on the espc coveting lovely big houses, many of which are right near our own flat. We walked past many nice ones on our way to Morningside for provisions. Ah, it's nice to dream...

And what a lovely afternoon it was again too. Even the rain they promised stayed away. I must try to take up more outdoor pursuits as I've spent too many of the last few Sundays inside when there's been such lovely weather outside. I didn't even go for my run today, which I'll really regret when I have to drag myself out tomorrow after work. All this wishing I got out and enjoyed the sun more would be so much easier if we had our own garden, which brings me back to the purpose of the blip in the first place...

But I spent a few hours catching up with family back home, so that was the upside to the day.

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