
By LadyFindhorn

Guess Who?

The castle is so quiet after the departure yesterday of the family visitors, that the silence is about as hard to get used to as was the noise of their arrival. However it won't be long before they return along with son #2 who flies in from Cairo this week.

It isn't until the family are in residence that I realise how much I miss having them around, and how refreshing and youthful is their outlook on life. What a pity that the era of the old granny sitting in the corner of kitchen, surrounded by the younger generations is past... I would have loved to have been her in a few years time.

The washing machine was in action early this morning to take advantage of the wonderful drying weather and then I was free to head out to the 10th birthday Farmer's Market. There was face painting for the children and a demonstartion of slow cooking for the adults.
The sunny weather had brought out the punters and the place seemed busier than usual. I noticed several cameras including the one belonging to my blip today.
There will be no prizes for identifying this gentleman who was there with his two wee girls and certainly wasn't sitting when I met him.

Home then to eat strawberries and cream while watching the Wimbledon Ladies' Final but not before I had another dismantling of various trophy cabinets.
When daughter #3 arrived last week she remarked on the fact that although I had apparently been busy decluttering, she couldn't actually see any difference. I take her point: you don't notice empty cupboards and drawers.

This evening, barring rain, daughter #1 and I are going to watch the Nocturne cycling event in the Grassmarket: a lapped cobbled route which has entries for elite cyclists as well as riders on folding bikes and relays. That should be fun.

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