My Angle

By myangle

Manly Harbour Morning Mist

1/2500th sec, f11, 400ISO, 28-105mm lens @ 43mm, Canon 350D

I really need to clean my camera. It took ages to get all the dust spots off this image.

Isn't it great when you get your blip done so early that the blip clock hasn't tripped over. I am going to assume that it works on UK time and I will have to wait a few hours to upload. Meantime I can type up this blurb in notepad.

I woke up at 4.30 this morning because the ships were sounding their foghorns and knew that there was foggy blip potential. Considering I went to bed at 1.30 I was quite chipper when I got up, fed the animals and went for a drive down to the waterfront to see what was on offer in the way of mysterious boats in fog photos. Fog is pretty rare here. I dashed down there a few weeks ago and got there just as it was dispersing so I am glad I went down today. The conditions were perfect.

This photo is the best of a good bunch which made the choice very difficult. I am always amazed at how fog completely fools the camera metering system. This effort has renewed my interest in taking quality photos. I have been getting a bit lazy, bored and uninspired recently so this was just the tonic to get me back on track.

So, my blip is done at 6.45am and I can face the day free of angst about producing something blipworthy. I will have to load it later though.

Much later......

Well I have just got back form a mates place where I watched the AFL grand final. My team, Port Adelaide, lost by the biggest margin in grand final history. I couldn't even drown my sorrows in grog because I had to drive and I have to look after Dad tonight. The good thing is that I got to have a big ride on my bike because Jo took my car today. That more than made up for it.

I have chosen something a little different for my favourite blip today.

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