In Today's Views...

By LovePopcorn

Storyteller Series - #84 Rosa Parks Bench SW L mid

... continuing our virtual tour....

This Picture tile shows Rosa Parks having her mug shot taken. It is on the South side just to the R of the mid-way point. This is to the left of this and to the right of this.

Top Tile:
Rosa Parks: HER LEGACY

Rosa Parks? no less than the
belief in the power of the individual, that
cornerstone of the American Dream, that
she inspires, along with the hope that all of
us -- even the least of us -- could be that
brave, that serenely human, when crunch
time comes.
Rita Dove, former U. S. Poet Laureate

Bottom Tile:
Rosa Parks: HER LEGACY

Rosa Parks was lain in honor...she was a
was hero...a warrior for the everyman and
the everywoman. ...A
the piercing weapons of love and
nonviolence..Her greatness lay in what
everybody could do but doesn?t.
Governor Jennifer Granholm, Michigan

The designing artist featured In Today's Views is Sayoko Kay Mura

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