
By Pix

White Strand

A long journey yesterday culminating in a choppy, crowded and noisy crossing of the Irish Sea, which was also delayed and it was gone midnight when I got to the house and made up the bed.

Woken rather early by sea gulls, then headed to town to sort priority number one ( a dongle to get me an internet connection) and number two (a Sim card for my phone), and three (some food shopping).

By lunchtime I was all set up and the sun had come out so I went for a walk around Peel. I'd felt pretty lonely shopping for one this morning, and cooking for one is even less fun, but if you're going to be lonely then Peel is just about the most beautiful place to be (have a look on this website and keep refreshing the page to see lots of stunning images (not mine) of this lovely town Peel Online. Tis my website though :)

I am looking forward to showing you more of Peel over the coming weeks, and there will be too much to put here, so some will go on the Flickr page.

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