A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Parklife #2 - Obsessions

J has often shown tendencies towards obsessive behaviour - not right down the spectrum or anything (ie it's not a cause for concern) but enough to be noticeable. For instance, the current object of his obsession is football - watching it, playing it, talking about it. Six months ago couldn't have been less interested, now it's every second word. That might be a slight exaggeration; it might just feel like that to me as he passed my interest level a loooonnnnggg time ago. But it's probably not far off. Fortunately Carl is one of those people who would watch monkeys play and is more than happy to do football talk. I say every second word as he is managing to accommodate the football obsession quite comfortably alongside the chess one. He can quite happily watch MOTD whilst reading a chess book, for instance.

Anyway, that's J and I've long since stopped being surprised by him. A on the other hand largely appears to be a very different fish. Except, it would appear, about swinging. It seems such an odd thing to be obsessed about but she just wants to do it for hours upon hours. Today's blip was part of a marathon session at Ravenscourt Park, even though she had some issues with the swing and didn't think it compared well to some others she had experienced. Soon she will be able to write quite a detailed users' guide to swings in West London (well, she would if she could write but you know what I mean).

Still, gives me a second swinging blip which could possibly be the start of a mini-series so thought I would mono this one too. Not that I'm going to be obsessive about it, or anything...

Lesley x

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