Shade of Promise

By shade

A Rose of Love

You're like a rose my sweet, beautiful yet full of bitter thorns that cut to the bone. The touch of your soft skin sends a shiver through my spine each time you're near. Your fragrance clouds my head in a whirlwind of confusion. Your hair radiates like a glowing beacon, beaconing the sailors home. Your eyes are like stained glass, with beautiful colors running together in a rhythm like pattern. Yet you don't even know me, you don't even know I exist. Instead, you go for the ones that will use and abuse you. You seek closeness to those who care only for themselves, in what they can get from you. I would treat you like the princess that you are. I would give you love unconditionally, and a closeness from which no one could ever hope to compete. Yet, still you run away from true love. Maybe, just maybe someday you will see that love can be found in not the trendy but the rejected. I can be the prince that you want, if only you would give me a chance. Just open your eyes.

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