A Pic is Worth a 1000 Words.

By AgrawalKrish

Money Matter

The wheel shows currencies of different countries I've collected in last quarter for my brother. Thanks a lot to all my friends who honored my request and brought these currencies for my brother's collection.

Currencies Shown:
100 Peso, 50 Peso, 20 Peso, 10 Canadian $, 5 Canadian $, 5 Brazilian Real, 10 USD, 5 USD, 1 USD, 100 Rs, 50 Rs, 10 Rs, 100 Peso

Peso -Mexican
Canadian $ - Canada
Brazilian Real - Brazil
USD - United States of America
Rs - India
Wikipedia definition of "Money": any object that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a given country or socio-economic context.

In today's fast going life above definition of money is partially true, now everyone is so much envolved in money madness that I always feel we are loosing essence of life. People keep saying they are going very busy, no time to eat proper food, to sleep, to meet relatives... working hard to get promotion, to earn more and more money.

More money I'm earning in my life, less I'm caring about it (definitely doesn't mean I'm misusing it).

I started earning money since my childhood days. I remember when we newly shifted to our house in 1989 (in Raipur, C.G. India) our house was the only one in that locality. All around bare land (we could clearly see the fumes of dead bodies being burnt in nearby crematory from our Terrasse). slowly more houses started building up and so my friend circle. New place new friends & I didn't care too much about studies; Spent more and more time playing outdoor games.

Aiming the marble/bottle caps as per opponent's instruction was one of my favorite: I didn't use to get lot of Pocket Money; my parents always asked, tell us what you want instead of giving YOU the money we'll get it for you. I couldn't ask them to Bring Marbles / Bottle Caps so borrowed few from another mate, since he was looking for someone to play with him, he did lend me couple of marbles. I must say I was good at aiming game, within couple of minutes I won all his marbles and returned the borrowed marbles (with interest) to him. Then he daily used to purchase marbles from me (actually his marbles which I won from him) and loose them back to me. Seemed like he used to get lot of Pocket money and virtually that used to come to me after few games. We few kids used to play couple of more aiming games (popular in our region) and I was the winner most of time. At least at the end of the day I used to have maximum winnings.

This pretty much went until my high school. Afterwords I took studies seriously and got completely cut of with all these activities. Later I started taking tuition in Collage Days. I was happy with sharing knowledge and at the same time getting good pocket money. then after completing my Masters when I went to Delhi, India for job search within couple of months I got placed in Keane India Ltd., afterwards in Infosys Technologies Ltd.. Being with Infy came to USA 3 years ago and rest is history. "ALL THE TIME MONEY HAS BEEN FOLLOWING ME" :)

Since last couple of months I'm getting weird thoughts about money which is getting deposited in my account every month. I'm not using it & is just being deposited and piling up. I have started worrying what am I gonna do with it.. I am doing my job but I'm not loving what I'm doing. I want to learn "Guitar & Go for outdoor Photography". This may not give enough money but I believe would give peace of mind and mental satisfaction. "Who knows One day I'll just follow my dreams."

Anyways I wish you earn enough money "to Enjoy the Glory of life" but "Do not get into Money Madness".

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