Nicola Picola

By nicolapicola

Katerpillar's birthday

Today, was my best friend in the whole world's birthday. Kat stands on the right, with her friend Natasha.

Kat and I met on our first day at Aberystwyth university. We went out that night in 2004 with everybody off our floor and were the last ones standing. Never had I more quickly felt like I'd known someone all my life. From that day on we knew we were going to become great friends, but our bond went way beyond that.

We spent almost the entire three years attached to one another - to the point where we felt more comfortable sharing a bed on the evenings, like an old married couple... only we never argued.

She is the most pure and playful person I have ever met. She taught me the importance of laughter and how to free my inner child. I've felt like a more complete person ever since she came into my life. Although we live apart now, she is with me every day because she helped shape me into the adult I now am.

I truly love this person. Happy birthday Katerpillar! xxx

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