A Dog's Dinner

By G

Bella's Got A Brand New Bag

Every girl needs a new bag for her first day at kindergarten and Bella's no exception.

It had to be red, it had to have a pocket inside for her apple juice and best of all it had to have a chest strap - and this one has all of that.

We've had a lovely day today - lunch with, Layla and Bella and MissRable, then off to the bus stop to see her off back to Sweden.

Some riding on fairground horses, shopping for a new dress, for Bella not me, then home.

The house seems very quiet without Gitta infectious laugh, we had a great time and hope she'll be back sooner rather than later.

....and she's just arrived back in Denmark!

*******18.43 and she has just arrived in Malmo!***********

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