jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Who Am I? - the painter

I'll tell you what I am - hungry! I've not had breakfast yet and it's 11am. This is what happens when Ben goes to nursery and I have painting on the brain*. There is a patch of wall in our kitchen where the old tiles have been pulled off, and no new tiles are going on for a few years (until we get round to doing the kitchen, which as it is now functional is quite low down on the list of priorities). So I have been meaning to put a piece of lining paper up and paint it for a while. Which I finally have painted this morning!

And I have done my second sp as well. Only took 10 frames again, quite pleased. Me the artist - this is what I love doing second best - second only to being wife and mummy!

*Edit to add... I also managed to get paint all over my hands, on my glasses, in my freshly washed hair, and on my forehead - lesson to learn and remember - don't lean over the painting to reach the paint tin to put the lid back on. It will flip and splash. Second lesson to learn and remember - dulux endurance paint dries very quickly and doesn't wash off very easily.

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