Nicola Picola

By nicolapicola


Sometimes I find it hard to find the words to express just how much I love my dad! (Gooey I know!)

Back in April, we had the shock of our lives when we found out dad was weeks away from a heart attack. He's always been so fit and healthy.

He'd been complaining about getting dizzy and short of breath and was diagnosed with vertigo. When things seemed to get worse he demanded the docs check out his heart.

After much persistence, they finally listened and discovered the main artery that feeds the heart was almost completely blocked... so much so they couldn't even get the tiny wire with the camera in to take a picture.

Dad came out of the room and mum and I looked at his little face and feared the worst. He was so frightened.

He had to have a triple heart bypass. It's a very common surgery now, but to us it was huge. Waiting for him to come out of surgery was the most difficult thing I've ever been through. And he was two hours later than expected. Eeeek!

But everything turned out fine and looking back we can't believe how lucky we were to have caught the problem so soon. He had six months - max - to live, according to the surgeon.

Now he's as fit as a fiddle. We walked for five hours around Bristol today on their first visit to see me since the op.

Sometimes, there's just so much to be grateful for in life.

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