
By bluesheep

plant tones

A woman approached me while taking this shot in the park. her words were "that's my first photo, you know."

"your first photo ever?" I said.

"yes. and then I went on to work for a hotel taking pictures."

"Oh, cool, so like architectural stuff?"

"yes, mostly of the suites. Let me tell you, these plants are very architectural, especially in black and white....I just picked up a camera and you'd never believe all these job opportunities came out of it. But I'm really a painter..."

and then she kept going on. I found out she was 68, her name was Carrol. She lived not far away in the canyon. she though I was a pretty smart young man. she often started a thought with "let me tell you" and gave me advice to watch out for the women. they have a gene that makes them spend and spend without ever being satisfied.

All and all a reasonably enjoyable random encounter. But the camera is supposed to attract those in their mid twenties, not in retirement, but that's another matter...


'64 porche 356
me like the night
put 'em up

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