jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Mum and Me

This is my mum, and me. My mum is a beautiful lady. I think it might become a little mission of mine to convince her of this.

It was Grandma's funeral today. It was a beautiful service. It's kind of sad really that the only times the whole family (or as many as possible) get together in one place is for a funeral. But get together we did. And after shedding tears, we also shared laughter and stories and caught up on lives, spoke to people (both relatives and friends) that we'd not seen in years, ate and drank. This is us at the hotel, after Grandma had been laid to rest, after Ben had made mum laugh because he decided that the grave would be interesting to try and jump into; as he was entertaining exhausting his grandads dragging them up the stairs to a dinner gong that he'd found (banging it and singing away, as usual). And after everyone had gone, we (immediate family) went back to the cemetery to say one last goodbye to Grandma by ourselves.

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