Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths


It's been a fantastic 3 day weekend in Christchurch. Sunny, reasonably warm, a great intro to summer.

This morning KiwiD and I went out for a good bike ride, then for the afternoon the family and Aunty Jacqui (who is visiting from Auckland) went to Ferrymead, a historic park. Numerous blips, steam trains, steam trams, olde worlde stuff - really cool.

Finally however we went out to Taylors Mistake, a small surf beach for fish and chips. I could have posted any number of pics today, however this one took my fancy, and I thought it might even qualify for blipmadness. Te Mata Coleraine is said to be NZ's finest red wine, and best cellared for 10 - 15 years. It made a perfect complement to help wash down the fish and chips. Maybe blipmadness? Definitely blipheaven! The sacrifices we make for blip ...

(the wine was a gift from Aunty Jacqui - we had to drink it ...)

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