Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Sweet Pea Drips

What strange weather today. It was raining pretty hard when I went to work this morning, but later, in the afternoon, the sun came out and it was beautiful.

I was scouring the area where I work for something to blip, and I came across these sweet peas planted up against a building. They looked so gorgeous with the rain drops on them, so I started taking shots of them. All of the sudden, I was startled by a head that popped out of the window just up above the flowers. I think it may have been an instructor; there are new ones that I don't know yet. Anyway, I think he thought I was picking the sweet peas, and he was making sure I didn't. He changed his attitude, though, when I told him that I just could not resist taking some pictures of them. Flattery will get you anywhere.

Have a nice day!

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