My Angle

By myangle

Bush Fire Sunset

1/800th sec, f8, 100ISO, 80-200mm lens @ 200mm, Tripod, Canon 350D

Today started slow. I awoke at 5 am and contemplated getting up for a blip. There was some cloud about so I decided to got back to sleep. Besides, with the amount of grog I consumed yesterday I was dubious about my driving. Not worth the risk.

When I finally got up, no-one seemed to have any urgency about making some plans for the day. Rather than get frustrated, I went and read for a while and of course fell asleep again. That blew the rest of the hangover away.

When everyone finally got organised, Brad, myself and Brad's Dad, Owen hired a small boat to do some fishing on the river. The Noosa river is well known for good fishing. We must have been in the wrong place because we didn't even get a bite. In the end we beached the boat, waited for Jo and Kathie, then went for a bit of a cruise up the river. Kathie decided she wanted a go at driving the boat under my supervision seening as how I am the only one with a boat license. For some reason Kathie thought the steering worked opposite to a car and steered us straight towards a floating pontoon. I had to grab the steering wheel and turn like mad to avoid a collision. Fortunately the hire boats have a governed motor, so we were only poodling along. It would have been a bump rather than a crash.

I went up to the roof lookout on the apartments at sunset and took this image of the sun setting through clouds as well as smoke from a bushfire.

The evening was rounded off with a nice family BBQ. I cooked steaks, sausages and fish. The fish was bought from the fisho because us men failed to catch anything. Once again large amounts of alcohol was consumed. Brad and I watched Dogma and chatted before heading off to bed.

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