Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

Underpass Art

Caught a virus last night. Went to bed with a full malware scan running. Got up at 5ish deleted the stuff it'd found, still got a virus, ran a full virus scan, went back to bed. Got up this morning deleted the stuff it'd found, still got a virus. Started pc in safe mode with command prompt, found out you can start explorer.exe, did a full backup, still got a virus. The symptoms were a dialog box flashing on screen then the system hanging on a blank screen. Discovered that ctrl alt del & starting task manager would also let me run explorer.exe so actually had found a work round that gave me a full working system, but still had a virus. Then decided to burst photograph the startup dialog box - found out that the error message was "Program too big to fit into memory" and it was running something in Users/Longshanks/AppData and I couldn't make out the rest of the address - found a couple of suspicious files in Roaming that were created last night - deleted them and now we're virus free. Quite a waste of time, but an interesting challenge if you can look at it that way.

Went out blip hunting after lunch, once again in dull damp conditions with the target being St Mary's Church,Welwyn. After stalking my prey for a while I got a shot I was happy with, but walking back I spotted this Underpass Art (which I hadn't noticed on the way there!) - no contest really, St Mary's will be there for another day.

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