Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

First day of School

First day of school is daunting ... not only for the students, but also for the Instructors. I had a class at 9:00AM for an Introductory level Computing class. This course is open for all students of the University and I am normally faced with this question and quizzing looks stating "Are you a teacher?". I have been here at Forman for almost 1.5 years and students still confuse me as a student. Do I look like I am 20? I don't think so ...

Then I did not have a class till 12:00 PM. I utilized the time in working on my course outlines and getting things ready for tomorrows classes. After my classes were over at 1:00PM, I had a meeting with my colleagues regarding Final Year Projects. Since then, I have been signing student forms and getting printouts of course outlines and course material. Now, I am waiting for photocopies to be made for the outlines, so that I can place them in my office and call it a day ... I am looking forward to a nice coffee break with MagicDaizy ... and a well deserved cup of Coffee it is going to be.

This is Dr. Jerald A Kabell (Dr. Jerry), Our Head of Department and Chairperson. Since, it was the first day of school, It was appropriate, that I took his photograph while documenting the events of the day. I am glad that he graciously accepted my request to photograph him and am thankful.

Also, I am so glad work has finally started ... boy, I am glad!!

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