jeni and the beans

By themessymama


This is what Ben has been playing with while he eats his croissant at lunchtime. (He will be offered other food as well, don't worry!). He found one bit of the music table that said "peekaboo!" over and over again and giggled and laughed, and Ben found the giggling hilarious! But there was so much of the table to explore. Hard to believe he's had this activity table 6 months now, and it seems to have been given a new lease of life as he has got just that little bit older.

He's growing up so quickly now. Changing. Becoming more and more a toddler, a child, not a baby any more by any stretch of the imagination. And talking of imagination, I'm wondering if it is my imagination or that his legs really have grown suddenly - I'm sure I've only just moved him up into 12-18 month trousers, and already don't have to turn the legs up so he doesn't trip up over them.

My tiny boy is growing up. I'm loving it :)

Oh yeah.... and I don't say this very often, but it is TOTALLY best viewed LARGE :)

Yesterday we had a manic day helping my brother move house, topped off with a quick trip to Ikea.... My phone decided to have a bit of a grump and stopped me accessing blip all day, so I've had to back blip. In hindsight it was a good thing, because the GPS app we'd downloaded to help us find our way to their old and new houses drained both our phones of battery life... my pootling through blip would've finished the battery off and left us stranded!

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