Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Sunflower Power

Things are better today, and my outlook is much more positive too. I thought this Sunflower was the perfect photo to give a sunny, bright glow to my day.

My neighbor has these sunflowers growing, so I asked if I could take a picture of it. She was so thrilled,and told me that her little girl had planted them. Suddenly, as I was taking shots of it, all the neighborhood kids started running over to me. One little girl, about 6, said "Hi neighbo" she says it like that. I said "Hi", and she started telling all the kids that I was her "neighbo" and I liked to take pictures. The little girl, who planted the sunflower seeds, told me "This is my sunflower, I planted it". I said "I know, and you did such a good job." She just beamed. I felt like a celebrity because all the kids were surrounding me and wanting to know who I was and why I was taking the pictures---cute.

Anyway, it sure lifted my spirits even more.

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