Happy Birthday, Ben!

Well, my little boy is now two whole years old.

We finished the cake last night at 1am, sat down, and realised that in 15 minutes, Ben would be officially 2 years old...

What can I say.

Ben, you are more than just an addition to our little family. You have brought another dimension to life. You have grown my patience, and my love, you have taught me how to see life from your perspective. You have helped me see childhood in a different light. You have forced me to be sociable (and I am grateful for that!), and shown me much about myself that I hadn't realised I had in me.

You are growing up nicely, my boy. Doing things in your own time, at your own pace - which sometimes is frighteningly fast, and sometimes just needs a little more time and patience. You are becoming incredibly confident and independent, showing so much empathy and care for people, so generous and friendly. You are the most bonkers child I have met. Completely fearless, but you know how to be careful. You learn so quickly, and want to know more all the time! You are so much your parents' child. The engineering curiosity from your daddy, the musical artistry from your mummy, and the craziness we've decided is from your granddads. Both of them. You don't stand a chance of normality do you....

Pictures of the birthday party and finished cake here :)

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