an image of teamdel

By teamdel

Free Photo Shoot

Today was a busy, heavy day with loads of adult stuff going on.

After all that we went to the park which was a bit more childish, mind you I am not the biggest fan of parks. The problem is that they are designed for children so I dont really fit on the fun stuff like the slides.

Also as a father they are a potential mine fields for injuries to a toddler, so whilst the mums all chat I generally can be seen running around after the toddlers looking like an cricket player at silly mid-on, ready to catch any falls.

On the way back from the park we walked past a local photographers, I like his photos but his shop sign is a bit old and doesn't really fit his style.

Anyway clearly we were lucky today as they had a sign up letting us have a free studio session, though it is a bit rich that they usually charge for people taking pictures outside.

Oh I see.......

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