Mrok's photo of the day

By Mrok

Keikokai at Pori

Before the rooster would give it shout for the morning I ate breakfast and started my four hour drive to Pori to take part for the keikokai event. It is a kendo event, where agenda is mostly tight to free practice e.g. keiko.

During the day there were two times two hour practice, where each started with some soft-football and warming up with suburi/kihon practice preparing participants for the main agenda, mawarigeiko and jigeiko. Had really fun and re-learned again some things from the more experienced people.

Pori Kendoclub Dai Kuma Ken kai has really beautiful dojo, which has been mostly achieved by a hard community effort. You can read more from the club pages here if interested.

After hard day had still almost two hour drive to Vaasa to meet a friend Mr.P.

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