horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Fox on the Run....

The little known original title for a Wings classic...

May have a touch of lurgy, but I had a cement mixer hired for the weekend to start putting in the new permanent run for the new girls (partly for fox reasons such as these, though the makers reckon this house and run are fox-proof, and I've seen nothing to suggest the contrary). And so, at 7.30am I was prepping (far too early to be making a noise on a Sunday!) after having to get up and feed the cat and let the chooks out of their wee houses. Sadly I've only managed to lay half the amount I'd hoped, but it's a start made and I reckon it'll be complete in a couple of weeks (weekdays being out by reason of darkness before I've left my desk).

One of the old girls did once peck a fox through the mesh on the run. Hard as nails that one.

Me, I'm shattered after working from that early start till about 2.30 with just a break for breakfast, before another trip to B&Q for a new socket faceplate after the switches on one in the kitchen gave up the ghost. All the while keeping an eye on the Newcastle match (gerrin Andy Carroll!) and thinking I've still got to bake some cupcakes (charity thing at Mel's work tomorrrow) and wanted to service the fixed wheel bike (tat's unlikely, I'll probably just put my new brake pads onto the geared bike and hope the rear wheel, with a broken spoke from Friday, holds up for one day more).

Never still. Even when ill.

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