jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Where's my lipstick?!

I figured I needed a bit of lighthearted silliness today after the tears of yesterday. I thought I'd do a bit of Nigella-esque finger-lickin' cakey goodness, but no matter how hard I tried and how many pictures I took, I just don't have a) the lips (at the moment), or b) the hair stylist, or c) any lipstick. At all. I can't even find my lip gloss or lipsyl, or my lovely nude lippy that I've had forever and know really suits me.

So I had a bit of fun anyway :) The cakes are chocolate / ginger / cinnamon sponge cupcakes. And are really rather good. I might ice these ones when Ben wakes up, I feel a need for icing sugar.

Last night we had all the trimmings. No meat, just all the trimmings... I needed vegetables, so we had vegetables! Steve was very good-humoured about it. He does make some rather yummy gravy so we had meat flavour.... And then Ben was sick. He'd fallen off a ladder earlier, so I think he'd suffered a bit of concussion. He decided he was much better after being sick though. And he was fine all night, and fine today, so no lasting damage.

I nearly blipped this rose which doesn't seem to know what part of the year we're in. I'm amazed at its tenacity!! And I also nearly blipped Ben saying cheese because he was so cute and actually smiling and the light was good enough for me to focus and click before he moved again! But I decided against it because I wanted cake :)

Ben had a good morning at nursery, but when I picked him up they were all plonked in front of a tv screen with the volume turned up stupidly loud, I have no idea what they were watching, it was probably "educational". I don't really have an issue with TV on the whole, but I don't think that nursery is an appropriate place to watch it. There ought to be enough staff and enough things to do to make the need for sitting all the kids down for a bit to watch the goggle box unnecessary. I am going in for a meeting (to talk about Ben's transition from the baby rooms to the kiddie rooms) next week so I might mention that.

I think I'm getting better. This morning I managed to have breakfast, hoover up the sanding dust, do some undercoating, and have a bath - all before making cakes and taking some pictures. I did wonder if this may be the "false energy" that you sometimes get with an illness, which you pay for dearly later, but I have done a few hours' walking around town this afternoon with Ben and I still feel remarkably ok. Picked up my grandmother's wedding ring which has been resized - it's been over 2 years since I wore a wedding ring, I took mine off before Ben was born because it was getting uncomfortably tight, and then when we moved house last year it got lost :( It's probably in a box somewhere still. But it's SO nice to be wearing one again. My finger feels complete again! Bought some lipstick. Actually bought 2 lippys, and some lip serum (or something, supposed to be good at smoothing out lips. It involves something to do with pepitides or whatever they're called. I'm not convinced I ought to be using it.) and spent enough to get a free goody bag which I've thoroughly enjoyed looking through. Eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow, anti-wrinkle creams, day creams... so I am wearing the eyeliner (brown), one of the new lippys (the more neutral one, as opposed to the bright one), and the lip serum. And the mascara which is a very bright blue which makes me giggle. I feel like a little girl raiding her mum's makeup box. And loving it :)

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