Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

Loch a'Chroisg

I went to Inverness tonight to collect my friend Jenny from hospital and spotted this view in the rear view mirror. Precariously parking at the side of the road, and avoiding traffic (perhaps West Coasters rushing to Inverness to make sure it hasn't moved south.) I even managed to avoid the inevitable crash barriers in the shot. We now have a great road to Inverness, but not many places to stop and admire the view - at least, not without the risk of being flattened by a passing lorry, or a 4x4.
Jenny has only one more chemo treatment to do, and I think she is feeling good to be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. We went for a pizza, and had a nice 1/2 hour buying smelly stuff in Boots, all of which were totally unnecessary.
And we managed to avoid buying anything for anyone else.
Selfish? You bet.

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