My Year in Pictures

By jenny


That's not on me!

Very strange day today - Bill was on his photoshoot (see the PS here) with James at the office, so it's just been me all day and the house is so quiet with just me in it - no snores from Bill, no tickle tummies, no games, no occasional bark - just me and the hum of the fish tanks all day!

Fancied some fresh air, despite no dog to walk, and what a different experience going out with the camera and no Bill!

Was completely absorbed in my surroundings rather than keeping one eye on him and being conscious I should keep moving rather than sticking in one spot for too long - so very lovely.

Got a few nice pictures - including another muddy animal called Crumble who just lies down in the middle of the road, puddles and all, to have her tummy tickled - however I picked the horses as this is the first time they've been close enough to the edge of the field for me to blip!

I know it's over exposed but I rather like the effect as it focuses the attention on the black horse - which is what I was wanting as the white horse is too wee to get his head over the top of the gate!

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