My Year in Pictures

By jenny

100 blips later.....

..... and my goodness me - what an amazing 100 days!

I started out with the goal of improving my creativity and wanted to aim for 365 consecutive blips.

Whilst I've still a way to go before I get there, what I didn't bank on was how much things would change for me as a result of taking one photo a day - or actually probably more accurately lots and lots of photos a day!

I am so thoroughly enjoying myself - not just taking the pictures themselves, but learning so much along the way, looking at the most amazing pictures from fellow blippers and connecting with people all over the world - I just love every aspect of it! And the icing on the cake is when I get views, comments, favourites or stars - I almost fizz with excitement! People are so very kind and generous here.

And it's all down to the very lovely Dotty who introduced me to this wonderful world - thank you! - roll on very early 2011!

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