Sheepish Contraptioneer

By PaulCCB

Bricks and Moss and Snow

When we created our vacation rental, I hand-laid the driveway and parking area with paving stones. This is the first time it has snowed in the three or so years the stones have been down, and this year we've really seen a nice increase in the moss between the stones, giving the paving more of a look of permanence.

I understand the principle of why the snow is fluffier on the moss than on the stones, since the moss contains some insulating air, but there is no easy way to verbally condense the feeling I had seeing the textured stone pattern covered with snow, except to say that it made me very happy, and inspired me to do my first blip ever, though I've been signed up for some time.

On the Oregon Coast, we don't often see snow, and to wake up to it this morning after a solid night's sleep was the best feeling ever!

And the hardy little sprouts of Alyssum blooming from between the stones is just a bit of pleasant spice in an already flavorful experience.

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