Pob's World

By Pobsworld


Well, so much for normal service being resumed today. I did take some pictures of sights around Edinburgh but I soonafter discovered that I lost my mobile phone in St James Centre. When I went back it hadn't been handed in, so a frantic afternoon was spent cancelling phones, letting friends know not to contact me and trying to resurrect my old Nokia, before dashing to a phone shop to get a new sim card.

Normally I'd not be so frantic about getting a replacement but, as Sod's Law would have it, I'm off to York for the weekend early tomorrow and I need to be contactable in emergencies. There was me thinking things could only get better after yesterday, but oh no.
Why can't there be more honest people in the world? If I found a phone I'd hand it in to the police without a seconds thought .It wasn't even a very good phone but I stupidly hadn't backed it up to my pc (a cardinal sin for an IT 'professional') and it had photos of great sentimental worth on it. A lesson has been learned today - always backup your phone!

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