John Van de Graaff

By VandeGraaff

House Construction 7

The last previous blip of our new house under construction was exactly two weeks ago.

That was an exterior view, and since then the main progress has been on the interior, so that's what I'm presenting today. I'm toward the right front of the house (near the street) looking across the living/dining/kitchen to more or less the back end of the ground floor (it's bigger than it looks). Here it is LARGE.

The builders are putting in the windows (one is just visible at the extreme right here. The stairs (left middle) were the latest element constructed, and the second floor has been framed out, with its 3 rooms, bathroom--and large closets--fun to see! We'll have our bedroom on the ground floor (its corner is just visible on the left, with the large full bathroom beyond the stairs).

An amusing detail: The yellow apparatus in the left foreground is a radio/CD player, not a tool.

It has been fascinating to follow the progress of all this--I hope soon to put up more interim images on my blipfolio (a first one is here). For those not familiar with the story, we plan to move into the house as renters in the spring; you'll find more in the chain of previous blips--start with the link at the top.

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