Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog

Fog Sentinel

waiting ~ for the fog to lift

Another day of fog, but at least I got out for an extended walk over the moor today. Visibility was about forty feet, so navigation was a little rough and ready, but there are plenty of catching features, so little risk of going astray.

The thaw has set in and parts of the moor resemble tundra. The snow meltwater can't sink into the frozen ground, so temporary streams and ponds apppear everywhere.

I had a few potential images to select today, but ended up choosing the last picture I took. Although I explored the tree in the fog theme only yesterday, this time I had a chance to capture my favourite tree on the moor.

I call it the Sentinel Tree because it stands at the boundary of the moor, and overlooks a significant part of it. Not that it could see far today.

from a high crow's nest ~ a better view of the fog ~ peer through the branches

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